Create Your Own Accredited Course, Elevate Your Training Standards

If you want to create a training program which delivers results, is built on strong foundations, has industry credibility and can be accredited (by an external body) or certified with your own internal quality mark this is for you 

Email [email protected] to discuss options

Tailored approach 

We start with a business and course audit looking at what you're already doing and making suggestions on the right certification / accreditation route for you 

Expert support 

Ruth Kudzi, MCC has decades of educational experience including a MA in Psychology & Education : this means we look at the Psychology of learning to help you put together a quality experience. 

Real life results

Ruth built Optimus Coach Academy to 7 figures in it's second year and it's now going into it's 4th year at 7 figures + PLUS she's designed and developed multiple courses with a range of accreditation bodies AND supported her clients to do the same. 

Your own quality mark 

The program is structured around our quality mark : we have recorded sessions which can help you plan, develop, deliver, market and evaluate your program to a high level: we talk about everything from having your processes in place to exploring how people learn and how to create psychological safety to enhance learner experience. 

Feedback on your program 

You can submit your program and resources for feedback helping you to meet external accreditation standards AND to ensure it's of a high standard. 

Coaching calls every month 

You have two calls every month where you can get personalised support wherever you are in the process. These are designed so you know you've always got a space to get your questions answered. 

Student successes 

Graduates from the program have got their courses successfully accredited and are selling them both to individuals and organisations. 

Imagine Having a well-structured training program that gets results for clients elevating your income and impact 

This program is designed to give you tailored support to ensure you can produce a quality training program which is certified and / or accredited. We take our students through our own quality mark so they can be confident of the standard of their training.